Thursday, November 25, 2010

3 Beauty Products You Should Avoid - Mineral Makeup, Lip Gloss, & Wrinkle Cream

Dangerous Product #1: Mineral Powder - When you use mineral powder, the tiny nano-particles that make up the powder become aersolized particles and get into our lungs and can scar our lungs. When you blow small bubbles, you will notice that they decend quickly... this is what happens with the small nano particles in mineral powder. Once the powder gets into our lungs, its nearly impossible to get it out and it can cause fibrosis.

Dr. Arthur Perry, author of Straight Talk about Cosmetic Surgery (Yale University Press Health & Wellness) (which I may just have to pick up at this price!!!), said that these same non-particles cause serious problems in industrial use, and we have seen it in miners and construction workers. However, it takes 10-30 years to see the damage, and these mineral powders are fairly new... but I don't want to find out that I have serious lung issues or even lung cancer in 10-30 years from using mineral powder! So lets not take the chance and be guinea pigs! Here are save alternatives:

- Liquid Foundation with Shimmer

- Cream Blush or Bronzer

- Packed Foundation or Pressed Powder

Dangerous Product #2: Wrinkle Cream - When you put cream on your face, it goes through the dermis and into your blood vessels, where it gets absorbed into your body... and anything that you absorb into your body you should question and worry about, because this can cause all sorts of allergies and even collagen breakdown.

Dr. Paula Begoun says that expensive does not mean better and natural does not mean anything either (there are bad and good synthetic and natural ingredients). There are tons of ingredients that sound like they would be great, but can actually make wrinkles worse including fragrances, lavender essential oil, eucalyptus, and peppermint essential oil. Both Dr. Begoun and Dr. Perry (as well as Dr. Oz of course) agree that if wrinkle creams claim that your wrinkles will go away immediately or that its the same as botox, they simply aren't true. Dr. Oz says that when you are looking for a good face wrinkle creams, make sure it meets the following criteria:

- Fragrance - Free

- Color Free, why have extra chemicals to make colors when its not necessary?

- Vitamin A (Retinols) is perhaps the super drug of wrinkles according to Dr. Perry and Dr. Oz!

- Vitamin C is a collagen builder

- Alpha Hydroxy Acid works to exfoliate your face

Dangerous Product #3: Lip Gloss - Most lip gloss comes from petroleum jelly, and when you put it on your lips, some of it inevitably gets into your stomach... so you are basically drinking gasoline. Petroleum Jelly is fine outside of your body, but you do not want this stuff inside of your body. Dr. Oz really put it into perspective when he said that if you use 2-3 tubes a month for 10 years, then you will be consuming roughly 7 pounds of petroleum jelly.

Dr. Perry said that petroleum jelly, when ingested, may even cause cancer. In the EU (European Union), petroleum jelly is banned, except for when it is very pure. In the USA we don't know which forms of petroleum jelly are pure and which are not. They have done studies and found that women with breast cancer have twice the levels of these products in their breast tissue than women who don't have breast cancer... now there is something to think about! So Dr. Oz gave some safe alternatives to lip gloss: maintains a database for Metals Products manufacturers, exporters, suppliers, importers and wholesalers of mineral & metal products. This consists of asbestos & asbestos products, aluminum, aluminum products, copper & copper products, diamonds-polished, ferroalloy & products, iron & steel castings, iron & steel products, lead & lead products, magnetic materials, metal waste, mining machinery, wire mesh, wire ropes and zinc & zinc products, copper mineral, aluminum mineral, mineral properties, titanium mineral, mineral gemstones, industry metals, Mineral & metals buyers, mineral & metals seller, global minerals and metals, etc.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mineral Rights - What They Are and Why People Invest in Them

A variety of minerals can be found under the earth's surface. They include fossil fuels like oil, natural gas, and coal, metals and metal bearing ores like gold, copper and iron, non-metallic minerals and mineable rock products such as limestone, gypsum, building stones and salt. They may also include sand, gravel, peat, marl, etc.

A mineral right is a right to extract a mineral from the earth or to receive royalty for letting the mining company extract minerals.

Depending on the jurisdiction in the United States that supports Mineral rights, land rights may be separated from mineral, mining, oil or drilling rights which are rights to remove minerals, oil, or even water that may be contained in and under land. The owner may choose to sell the underground minerals but may desire to retain the possession and control of the surface. This works out for the mining company since they don't want to pay to acquire the property but are only interested in the minerals underneath that property. A typical agreement between the owner and the mining company involves the owner keeping the possession of the land whereas the mining company acquiring the rights to the subsurface. This transaction generally involves all mineral commodities either known or unknown that exist beneath the land or in other cases one party may limit the transaction to a specific mineral commodity.

A mineral right falls under property rights and may be sold, transferred, or leased in a similar manner as other property rights. They are distinct from surface rights or the right to the use of the surface of the land for residential, agricultural, recreational, commercial, or other purposes and may be sold or retained separately from the surface rights, in which case the mineral rights are said to be "severed."

Unless severed interest is sold, leased, mortgaged, or transferred by recorded instrument within the 20-year period, severed oil or gas rights revert to the surface owner after twenty years. maintains a database for Metals Products manufacturers, exporters, suppliers, importers and wholesalers of mineral & metal products. This consists of asbestos & asbestos products, aluminum, aluminum products, copper & copper products, diamonds-polished, ferroalloy & products, iron & steel castings, iron & steel products, lead & lead products, magnetic materials, metal waste, mining machinery, wire mesh, wire ropes and zinc & zinc products, copper mineral, aluminum mineral, mineral properties, titanium mineral, mineral gemstones, industry metals, Mineral & metals buyers, mineral & metals seller, global minerals and metals, etc.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Protect Yourself Against Heavy Metals

Heavy metals are chemical elements with a specific gravity that is at least 5 times the specific gravity of water. Specific gravity is a measure of density of a given amount of a solid substance when it is compared to an equal amount of water. There are 23 "heavy metals" that can be toxic to humans: antimony, arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, cerium, chromium, cobalt, copper, gallium, gold, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, platinum, silver, tellurium, thallium, tin, uranium, vanadium and zinc. Small amounts of these elements are common in our environment and diet and are actually necessary for good health, but large amounts of any of them may cause acute or chronic toxicity (poisoning) and serious illness.

The most common metals found in humans are cadmium, lead, arsenic and mercury. Aluminum, although not a heavy metal per the definition above, is also a chemical element of concern due to its prevalence and toxic affect in humans.

Varying degrees of exposure may be associated with many degenerative conditions. Symptoms may include: learning problems and autism in children, tremors, anxiety, forgetfulness, emotional instability, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, anorexia, cognitive dysfunction, allergies, dyslexia, hyperactivity, weight loss, shaky hands, muscular weakness, and paralysis (beginning in the forearms), arthritis, colic, nausea, numbness, lack of concentration, fragile bones, alopecia, anemia, migraines, loss of taste and smell, poor appetite, loss of coordination, disorientation, mental confusion, heartburn and flatulence.

You may have completed a hair mineral analysis which shows you have higher levels of specific metals, or suspect you have been exposed to a certain metals. Knowing common sources of heavy metals in order to avoid exposure, and following the dietary recommendations below can help protect against and reduce your levels of heavy metals.

*Eat plenty of organic fruit and vegetables. They contain anti-oxidants (vitamins C, E, and A), and phytochemicals which are known to inhibit the toxins. They also contain fiber. Broccoli, asparagus, spinach, apples and avocado are particularly good.

*Eat plenty of organic non-refined fibrous foods. They bind with heavy metals and help the body eliminate them. These should include fruit and vegetables, especially apples, onions, beans and alfalfa. Eat plenty of whole grains including wheat bran and oats. AVOID refined carbohydrates of all kinds.

*Eat quality organic protein including grains and legumes, fermented soy products and cold water fish. Eat foods with sulpher containing amino acids including onions garlic and most meat and fish.

*Use organic garlic and coriander in your cooking. Both are known to reduce certain heavy metals in the body.

*Eat calcium from cheese, green leafy vegetables and ensure you get enough vitamin D which ensures calcium is utilized. Sources of vitamin D are cod liver oil and sunshine (minimum 15 minutes per day).

*Avoid high fat diets. Toxic metals tend to accumulate in fat. So avoid excessive dairy, nonorganic red meat and big fish such as swordfish, shark and tuna.

*Also eat plenty of foods high in zinc and selenium such as nuts and seeds, cold water fish, oysters, some red meat, organic eggs as they tend to antagonize and reduce heavy metals in the body.

*Avoid tuna, shark, swordfish and shellfish as they can accumulate mercury and cadmium deposited in the ocean.

*Eat foods high in iron which is an antagonist to many metals such as pumpkin seeds, parsley, prunes, cashews, meat and poultry.

*Use filtered water as tap water can be contaminated with low levels of toxins.

*Avoid processed foods containing additives since they can contain heavy metals and interfere with detoxification.

Many things we see around the home are made from minerals and metals. This shows their importance in our everyday lives. They are valuable, finite and non-renewable resources. They comprise of vital raw materials for basic industries and are a major resource for development. They contribute to a great extent for a country’s foreign exchange resources maintains a database for Metals Products manufacturers, exporters, suppliers, importers and wholesalers of mineral & metal products. This consists of asbestos & asbestos products, aluminum, aluminum products, copper & copper products, diamonds-polished, ferroalloy & products, iron & steel castings, iron & steel products, lead & lead products, magnetic materials, metal waste, mining machinery, wire mesh, wire ropes and zinc & zinc products, copper mineral, aluminum mineral, mineral properties, titanium mineral, mineral gemstones, industry metals, Mineral & metals buyers, mineral & metals seller, global minerals and metals, etc.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Many Health Benefits of Fulvic Acid Supplements

Fulvic acid is one of a group of compounds called humates. Humates are formed when bacteria on the hairs of the roots of plants decompose organic material in the soil. Fulvic trace is derived from another compound called humic acid. Fulvic acid is a small ionic molecule. It helps dissolve minerals in the soil so that they can be taken up by the roots of plants and used by the cells of the plant.

For some time, fulvic acid has gone unnoticed as a potential supplement. Recent research though has uncovered a number of potential health benefits to taking fulvic trace as a supplement. It is especially useful when taking with mineral supplements.

As mentioned, fulvic acid is a small ionic molecule that helps dissolve minerals in the soil so that they can be better used by the cells of plants. Research suggests that fulvic acid as a supplement works in a similar fashion for the cells of our bodies. It makes it much easier for minerals and vitamins to enter the cells of our bodies. Fulvic acid combines with minerals to form a compound that can easily be transported by our body to our cells. Combined with liquid ionic minerals, fulvic acid can greatly improve the bio availability, that is how much of a supplement is actually available to the cells of our body, of many vitamins and minerals.

In addition to assisting with the absorption of vitamins and minerals, some research suggests that fulvic acid may act as a catalyst to help our cells use those vitamins and minerals more efficiently. A catalyst is simply a compound that helps a chemical reaction occur. Fulvic trace assists the many thousands of chemical reactions that occur in our body each minute.

This ability of fulvic acid to combine with minerals and metals may explain why some researchers believe that it can help our body flush out toxins. Fulvic acid's small ionic molecules appear to bind with heavy metals and other toxins. This makes it easier for the body to transport these toxins to our natural filters and flush them from our system.

Studies have also suggested that fulvic trace is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are compounds like vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium that help mop up free radicals. Free radicals are the byproducts of our natural metabolism. Our bodies clean them up as they are created. However, over time or do to a deficiency of antioxidants, some of them don't get cleaned up. The free radicals are then free to damage cells. This damaging of cells by free radicals is one of the many causes of aging. It can also lead to a loss of energy and vitality and a weakened immune system. Fulvic trace is a powerful antioxidant and very efficient at cleaning up free radicals in the body. By doing so, it may actually help slow down the aging process and give a boost to the immune system.

Fulvic trace provides numerous health benefits. It aids in the absorption of minerals and helps cells use vitamins. It can help the body detoxify and is a powerful antioxidant. More importantly though are the results that users have reported. People taking a fulvic acid supplement have reported greater feelings of vitality, improved energy, a stronger immune system and a higher tolerance for stress. Try it for yourself today and see how it can benefit you. maintains a database for Metals Products manufacturers, exporters, suppliers, importers and wholesalers of mineral & metal products. This consists of asbestos & asbestos products, aluminum, aluminum products, copper & copper products, diamonds-polished, ferroalloy & products, iron & steel castings, iron & steel products, lead & lead products, magnetic materials, metal waste, mining machinery, wire mesh, wire ropes and zinc & zinc products, copper mineral, aluminum mineral, mineral properties, titanium mineral, mineral gemstones, industry metals, Mineral & metals buyers, mineral & metals seller, global minerals and metals, etc.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hair Mineral Analysis and Aluminum

An excess of anti-nutrients - substances that stop nutrients being used, or promote their excretion - causes many health problems. Our modern life-style means we have to protect ourselves from the natural effects of exposure to a vast array of chemicals at home or work. One way of doing this is by eating well, for instance organically. What else can we do?

When the body's ability to detoxify itself is exceeded, toxins accumulate in fatty tissues and may cause chronic health problems. If your job or lifestyle has exposed you to such toxins you are recommended to have a hair mineral analysis (HMA) to check your levels. In this article I'll be looking at some of the toxic levels an analysis may reveal, what problems they may be linked to and what you might do to reduce your exposure.

If you have a disease or illness, which has not responded to conventional treatment, you may wish to explore other possibilities and an HMA is an excellent place to start. So if you are suffering from 'unexplained' problems such as headaches, backaches, weakness or tremors, an HMA may help you to get to the bottom of it.

The section detailing anti-nutrient and toxic mineral levels is a vital part of the hair analysis report. If toxic minerals are found to be in excess, there are many ways in which a nutritional approach can help.

Of course it makes sense to do as much as you can to protect yourself from exposure in the first place. One very common substance is aluminum which has been linked with Parkinson's disease by some researchers. Aluminum has also been found in tangled fibers in the brains of Alzheimer's sufferers. Aluminum may be responsible for symptoms such as poor memory and concentration, skin irritation, hair loss and slow metabolic rate.

Common sources of aluminum in our daily lives

* Aspirin, some deodorants, antacids and toothpaste tubes.

* Consumables such as processed cheese, table salt (for smoother pouring), baking powder, instant coffee, tea bags, powdered milk. Aluminum is added to foods (E173) as an emulsifying, bleaching or anti-caking agent and to flour to bleach it. Many food additives are harmful, but are still added to enhance appearance and shelf-life - hence profitability. Check the labels and avoid additives where possible. Buy fresh, organic food and consume it before it deteriorates.

* Many water authorities add aluminum to the water supply to clean it, so drink filtered or bottled water - ideally from glass, not plastic bottles

* Aluminum is often present in packaging such as aluminum foil and cans. Many cooking utensils are made from aluminum and it is particularly harmful to cook fruit and vegetables in aluminum pans as the cooking water will become acidic and take up more aluminum.

The vitamins and minerals in wholesome food can help protect you from toxins and aid detoxification if necessary - for instance, vitamin C (found in fruit and vegetables or easy to take as an inexpensive supplement) fights against toxic metals.

Iron deficiency enhances the uptake of aluminum from the diet. Aluminum is soluble in water and more readily absorbed by man in acidic conditions. If iron is deficient there will be less hemoglobin made and the blood will be more acidic so more ready to take up aluminum. People who are anemic often have raised levels of aluminum. It's far better to get iron from your diet than from a supplement as iron supplements may make you constipated. The following foods are just some that contain iron: parsley, dates, almonds, prunes, cashew nuts, raisins, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pork, cooked dried beans, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, pecan nuts.

How can you reduce the uptake of aluminum from the diet? Calcium and zinc reduce the uptake of aluminum from the diet so eat plenty of leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, Brewer's Yeast and seafoods. Avoid as many as possible of the sources above. The importance of eating organically grown foods to minimize the risk of ingesting other toxins from pesticides, cannot be emphasized strongly enough.

Can you remove aluminum from your body? Fiber and pectin (a soluble form of fiber found in carrots, apples, the pith of citrus fruits and bananas) help remove toxic metals from the body, as do foods which include sulfur containing amino acids (the building blocks for protein). Others are eggs, onions and eggs. Also, be sure to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables containing vitamin C.

Finally, if a Hair Mineral Analysis shows an excess or imbalance of aluminum, the recommended supplement program that comes with your report, will be designed to correct the imbalance.